Kontaktieren Sie uns Wir setzen auf eine enge und persönliche Zusammenarbeit mit unseren Kunden, Partnern und Mitarbeitern. Kontaktieren Sie uns bei Fragen oder Anregungen gern direkt. Wir melden…
News Dates & Exhibitions show all newsNews The continuous further development of our systems and services, dynamic fiscal years, and an extensive family of companies—it’s all happening at PVA…
Situazione in cui PVA Italy s.r.l. compra da tutti: PVA cliente §1 Ambito di applicazione Per tutte le forniture di prodotti e servizi di qualsiasi tipo da PVA TePla AG e dalle sue…
Industrial SectorsProductsPVA Italy PVA Italy is a leading manufacturer of vacuum chambers, pressure vessels, reactors, exchangers, tanks and welded and tested constructions. Cutting-edge…
Internal tests: Vacuum test: ELIO ESCAPE £ 1x10-8 mbar l / s Hydraulic test in shirt: 7.15 bar for 60 min. Für das Vakuumlöten stehen am Standort Wettenberg und Jena insgesamt 9…
Vacuum and pressure vessels / High temperature applicationsHigh-tech products Company production: Design and construction of standard and custom-built pressure vessels, vacuum chambers,…
Scientific and Military Research The vacuum chambers produced by PVA Italy are used to set-up simulated environmental tests, i.e. the difficult conditions intrinsic to the aerospace industry in…